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Pastor Roy Williams

Pastor Roy M. Williams is the eighth in secession at Christ Community Temple COGIC and is eagerly seeking God for continuation of this great vision of mission.  He was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and is the youngest of four children. His mother once said that he was actually born with a beautiful laugh and was always cheerful; hence, even now, he exhibits an outgoing, joyous personality with sincere reverence for the people and the things of God.

At the age of 26 years old he received the Holy Ghost and began “officially” preaching the very next year.  Pastor Williams had always loved anointed preaching and as a child, would go forth exhorting the word of God.  Throughout his youth, he envisioned working in the ministry and exercised a clean life with honor to God.  His conscientious lifestyle was strong with a determination to never engage in illicit drugs or alcohol.  To this day, he can attest that his lips have never tasted alcohol and he has never indulged in illegal drug use. 

Pastor Williams was ordained an Elder in New Orleans, Louisiana under his Pastor, the late Bishop Lindel B. Brown at Pentecostal Church of God in Christ.  At Pentecostal Church of God In Christ, he acted as the Assistant Pastor, the personal adjutant to Bishop Brown, was a solo singer in the choir, and was a musician at the church.  Bishop Brown appointed him the Youth President of the Greater New Orleans COGIC Jurisdiction and worked very closely with Pastor Williams as a mentor and teacher of details regarding ministry leadership.  This period was a great value with prophetic revelations about the future of Pastor Williams’ ministry.

In 2005, the infamous hurricane Katrina beat upon and ravaged Louisiana – especially damaging New Orleans.  This horrible storm necessitated Pastor Williams to evacuate the city and move with family in St Louis, Missouri.  This major upset is recorded as a national disaster and resulted in the total loss of all of his possessions; including home, job and the church of his birth – a place where he had received significant experiences in the Lord.  His entire life’s work was gone and added a devastation that there was no benefit to return to his home in New Orleans.  In the midst of a situation that looked hopeless, Pastor Williams settled in St Louis, Missouri and united with Christ Community Temple Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of Bishop William L. Harper, Jr.

This was a grievous instance in Pastor Williams life – he was completely unsettled with disconnect from any and all goods.  Nevertheless, through this rough time, he enthusiastically utilized his gifts in the Christ Community Temple ministry.  His personal style of humor with wiliness to serve in any and every capacity worked well with the congregation and the leadership.  He was faithful to the ministry and projected good humor with affectionate affect.  He demonstrated love for the people of God and faith in the future. 

Under the leadership of Bishop Harper, Pastor Williams labored as a Sunday School teacher, a leader of the sick and shut-in visitation, a leader of the Evangelism Committee and the leader of the Men’s Ministry where he created several fund-raising activities that blessed the church and jurisdiction at large.  His work gave way to a demonstration of skill as a leader and subsequently, he was appointed the expeditor of church services, as well as a prime member of the Administrative Team.  As his journey continued, Bishop Harper appointed him the Pulpit Chairman, and the Chairman of the Men’s Ministry for Eastern Missouri First Jurisdiction COGIC. Pastor Williams worked very closely with Bishop Harper and was a cheerleader of his vision for the church.  He was met with tremendous sorrow in his heart when delivered the task of announcing the death of the Pastor. 

As the future church progression began, Pastor Williams acted as the conduit between the grieving congregation and the appointed overseer / interim Pastor, Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten, 2nd Administrative Bishop in the National Church of God in Christ, and the District Superintendent Melvin Kindle.  During this period of grief, Pastor Williams gave full support to Christ Community Temple with an encouragement of patience, peace and a unified presence of Godly devotion and love.

As the congregation moved forward, on June 24, 2023, the process for selection was completed with an announcement by Bishop Designee Marquaello Futrell – Eastern Missouri First Jurisdiction - that Elder Roy M Williams was the appointee as the Pastor of Christ Community Temple COGIC.  Pastor and Lady Williams (of whom he affectionately calls “Lady G”) were humbled by this major pronouncement.  They are prayerful and very eager to be in leadership of a church with a legacy that has been productive, dynamic and of valuable service for 100 years.

In quest to fully re-establish the re-entry into the church post Covid-19, Pastor Williams has re-started in person Wednesday (Mid-Week) Bible Study.  This includes activation of computer access for those who are unable to attend night services.  On the horizon is the re-establishment of Noon Day Prayer, as well as opportunities for Lady Williams to have fellowship activity with the ladies of the church, especially the Mothers Board.  Pastor Williams has taken to heart the tenor of Bishop Harper’s last sermon – to Move Forward – and is prayerfully continuing the ministry of Christ Community Temple Church of God in Christ.

These enthusiastic leaders have humbly begun to advance procedures toward capital improvements; to strengthen congregation and new member engagement with the start of “casual” Sundays; to reinforce relationships with youth and church members having pizza party and ice cream socials; they have organized major clean up and restoration including instigating certified document shredding; Pastor has appointed long serving / faithful women to the Mothers Board, as well as appointed faithful, hardworking and wise men to the Deacon Board; engaging all Ministers and Missionaries into participation in prime areas of Sunday Morning services and rotation of presentation on 4th Sundays; and every Sunday morning from the pulpit, he warmly welcomes visitors, calls out sick and shut in and emphasizes pertinent Church Announcements.  As opportunity presents, immediately after service, he goes to the annex area of the church to meet worshippers with handshakes, hugs and a very happy, encouraging presence.  Pastor and Lady Williams share a blended family of three daughters and five grandchildren and a zeal for Christ with service to God’s people.

His favorite scripture is:  Isaiah 40:28-31

28. Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 

31. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

We salute and honor Pastor Roy and Lady Georgina Williams.  Prayerfully wishing them  God’s grace, mercy and good blessings upon his tenure.

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